Don't get me wrong. I am NOT complaining about my journeys with the District Governor. But I HONESTLY think that her biological clock is STILL TICKING. How else could you possibly explain these pictures she took of me. I consider myself lucky that I didn't end up in a cradle, wrapped in bell-diapers.

I am a bell! I don't have a mouth! I have a handle and a rim, and some other parts (see my previous post on the Anatomy of a Bell).

Actually, it wasn't that bad until they decided to roll me down a hill. This thing has no seat belts, and I got a severe case of grass-rash.
I'm still not complaining much. It beat the heck out of being put on horseback and being asked if "you wanna play Rodeo Star?" when I was hiding in Dustin's hay loft.
And just when you think it can't get any worse, it does! Yes, I was put into the back of a dump truck!
Its moments like these that make me wish I'd have stayed in the storage room at Oak Ridge Winery. At least in there, OTHER THINGS (like bottles of wine) were being loaded into backs of trucks!
But as the saying goes, I tried very hard to "keep my eye on the prize" (my trip to Vegas)! So I figured I had to "break a few eggs" if I wanted to make a Vegas Omelette.
So here I am on the grass, after falling off the little "Big Wheel". I survived with just a few minor grass stains. Nothing to prevent me from enjoying Vegas, and returning to the club in one piece.
Before I sign off for the day, I also want to share ONE MORE PICTURE with you. That picture disturbs me in ways I haven't even figured out yet. I'm not sure WHY this picture was taken.
It is an endorsement of socialized medicine?
Does it represent a threat of deportation?
Does it imply that I love hockey?
I honestly don't know, but it did make me think about some very funny things I've heard about our neighbors to the north.
Dingy's list of things you can only find in CANADA: