Enough of that, on to my point ... Each summer, after taking a year of Presidential abuse (in some form or another), I decide to venture out on my own. Last year I thought I'd never get away after Past President Ralph snatched me up and put me on a leash before Chuck's kickout dinner, in a vain attempt to keep me from wandering. But I managed to escape. Unfortunately, I had a boring time and therefore didn't post to my blog.
Travelling again this year seemed like a good idea at the time, but I'm starting to wonder.
I guess I was hoping that this year would be different, and for the most part that wish is coming true - just not in the way I expected. Thus far I have been on three adventures. The first (to President Dustin's hay loft, and the Mokelumne Aqueduct) I have already posted about. The second and third have not yet been chronicled because my accomplices .. I mean .. travel companions .. haven't sent me copies of the photos! I DID take the club camera along, a vintage Polaroid Instamatic that Bob Gross loves so much, but found out that they don't make film for it anymore ... so, as Bob Gross learned ... one more thing that doesn't function like it used to. So I am at the mercy of my travelling companions when it comes to taking pictures.
The second adventure was a weekend trip to the Raiders Game and then San Juan Capistrano. My third adventure started last week when I travelled the district meeting other Rotary Bells. Hopefully I will be able to chronicle those trips soon....
My fourth adventure is about to get underway. I'm going to VEGAS AGAIN!!!! Hopefully I will get to meet up with my friend Lola, who I travelled with briefly in 2007. What a gal. I start resonating just thinking about her. Boy, It would be great to see her again. She knows how to make a bell feel like its the only noise in a room.
So my traveling companion picked me up this week in preparation for our trip to Vegas, and the first thing this person does is .. DRESS ME UP in some weird costume. Judge for yourself, but I think look like a cross between "Mister Potato Head" and a Carnie. What do you think? Maybe I can get work at the Grape Festival as the "winner's bell" at one of the carnival games (they ring me whenever someone wins) while all of you are pouring beer? That might be fun.
I'm hoping my travelling partner will honor the age-old saying .... "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas". I have a lot of plans, many of which violate the four way test in a BIG WAY. I may not be inclined to share the whole story, but I will share some of it. Who knows, maybe I'll get a tatoo ... hang out with some showgirls again, marry the Las Vegas Rotary Club's bell at one of the many chappels, or get up onstage with an Elvis Impersonator again! I may even re-visit the craps tables to see if my luck has changed since 2007!
One thing I DON'T want to do again is visit the Hoover Dam. My trip there in 2007 was traumatic! I have to be honest .. I'm not comfortable around water ever since that trip. I neglected to tell my travelling partner of LAST WEEK about my "Aqua-phobia" .. more on that later.
Well, it is getting "alarmingly" late in the morning and I need to pack for my trip to Vegas, get some sunscreen (Brasso), and see if I can get a makeover (polishing) so that I look my best for Lola!
Have a great weekend!