Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It Aint All It's Cracked Up To Be

Well, I have been travelling the district for the past few days getting acquainted with other Rotary Bells. I must say, for the most part I found that all the Rotary Bells are pretty curvy and I was quite attracted to them. But I HAVE been put off by some of the CRUDE bell humor that has been forced upon me as of late. Some of the more heinous humor I've been subjected to includes:

Q: Why did the bull wear a bell?
A: Because his horn was broken

Q: Why did the cow wear a bell?
A: Because she doesn't have any horns.

Last Sunday I secretly visited Pastor Mark's assembly, mainly because I wondered if Pastor Mark was still alive (haven't seen him at a meeting in quite some time). Pastor Mark shared a timely story with his congregation that really struck a tone with me. It went something like this (I hope I don't mess up the story):

St. Peter is usually very busy in Heaven, so he decided it would be a good idea to just mount a bell by the Pearly Gates and next to it hang a sign that reads “For Service, Ring Bell.” After mounting the bell and hanging the sign, he hurried away to get some other things done before the good lord started checking up on him. Within a matter of a minute, he heard the "Ding" of his bell and rushed back to the gates, only to find that no one was there.

Perplexed, St. Peter went back to work only to hear the "Ding" of the bell again, so he rushed back again, only to find that no one was there.

A little annoyed, St. Peter went back to work. But another minute later, he heard the "Ding" of the bell again - and again found no one waiting at the gates.

In a rare moment of frustration, St. Peter said “Okay, that’s it!" and decided to hide by the gates so that he could discover the identify of the person who keept ringing the bell. A moment later, Bob Gross appears at the gates and rings the bell.

St. Peter jumps out and yells, “Aha! Are you the one who keeps ringing the bell?”

“Yes, that was me,” Bob said.

“Well, why do you keep ringing the bell and going away?” St.Peter asks. "It's really starting to piss me off!".

"Well", said Bob, “They keep resuscitating me"!

It made me vibrate to hear Pastor Mark tell that story. What an inspirational tale.

I have many adventures to share with you as soon as I get photographs from my accomplices - I mean - from my friends. I hope to be able to share my adventures with you all soon.

In the meantime, I'll keep updating my blog with MEANINGLESS stories, humor and gibberish in an attempt to try and keep you interested.

Yours in Rotary,
"Dingy" Da Bell

1 comment:

  1. You can leave comments anonymously on my blog now (Dingy).
