Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Anatomy Of A Bell

A friend took me on a little drive (more to come on that) on friday, and this gave me some time to do a little reading. Did you know that according to enyclopedia Britannica, "A bell is a hollow vessel usually of metal, but sometimes of horn, wood, glass, or clay, struck near the rim by an interior clapper or exterior hammer or mallet to produce a ringing sound."???

A couple of things bothered me about that description, particularly the reference to a "clapper". Bob Gross has a "Clapper" that turns his lights on and off. But I digress...

I also learned that bells may be categorized as idiophones, instruments sounding by the vibration of resonant solid material, and more broadly as percussion instruments. I categorically deny being an Idiophone.

I also learned a lot about my own anatomy. Did you know that bells (like humans) have a shoulder, waist and lips?

But what makes me unique is my Argent, Crown, Inscription Band, Moulding Wires, Canons (kinda like having "guns" at the gym), and Inscription (the bell equivalent of a tatoo), and a Soundbow.

Wow, I feel so much more enlightened today.

Yours in Rotary,
"Dingy" Da Bell

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