Monday, October 31, 2011

I Met The New District Governor!

July 20th, 2011

I enjoyed meeting the District Govenor today and especially his wife, Sally... (Really, I did meet him!)
What a treat for me to finally be in attendance for our District Govenor.

It really frosts my bells (if you know what I mean) that My President rang some cheap, random asian gong - Sounded more like a pan lid! Especially, since I was right there practically next to him! Also, I am also really upset that I was not taken to the kick out party. I enjoy a party as much as any Rotarian in our club - heck any of you can ring my bell anytime (if you know what I mean)

I am tired of "Golf" and "Cards" ("Golf" and "Cards" is just code for us guys to get drunk and have fun without our spouses (if you know what I mean).

I hope my President reaches out to me at the next meeting - I will be closer to him then he knows.

In the spirit of Rotary

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